It was my honor and I do hope more see this NAR influence in the truther movement and politics. Maybe what you mentioned about Baby Trump is why he hasn’t followed through with exposing more of them. Either way, this one is an important one and more discussion needs to be had. Thanks, Tonya!

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I may have to listen to that again to fully digest it. I relate to you in regards to being an addict in the past and if I'm being honest that was the lowest point of my existence and I felt so shut out of the world, so judged, so unloved and unaccepted, like I just didnt belong in this world. And it was during this time that I just surrendered to GOD I laid it all out and asked for him to show me the way, to give me the strength I needed, but at that point I had no faith in myself at all BUT something in my heart knew he heard me. And I kept speaking to and putting ALL my faith in our creator. I knew GOD was listening and working in my life. At that time I remembered that when my son was born I started saying the lords prayer every single night (Also I had no idea why at that time I was lead to do that because I have never even owned or read through a bible or knew any prayers) But I learned that one and my son is now 21 and still knows it. Which warms my heart because I know he will need it for protection one day. As I have used it to protect me when I am afraid or dealing with things i dont understand.

I am 9 years clean and I feel like GOD helped lead me to see more about my heart and my abilities then I ever saw in myself before I came to GOD. I have a stronger mind and a more compassionate outlook for everyone I encounter.

I say this to ask you what version of the bible is most accurate. I've always wanted to read the bible but was always nudged away by people who say that's not the right book, it's been changed, etc. But it's been on my heart to have a bible. I've never owned one but when i get one i want it to be "the right one". It can be confusing to someone who didnt grow up around religion or have it explained to them. Thanks for the videos you do. Ive been enjoying your content. I'm a new follower coming from the Psinergy channel. I hope you have an amazing holiday season!

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Wow, Samantha! This share is so powerful! I'm humbled you were share part of your testimony with me. I can relate in so many ways. I was ready to destroy myself because I just couldn't keep living like that. The one time in my life where I've undeniably had God intervene was to stop me from taking my life. Anyway, more to come on that story. But congratulations on 9 years and it's wonderful that you have a son and see the world with such compassion and understanding now. God can change all things for good.

So, I'm no bible expert, but in my research and fellowship with people I trust, the KJV seems to be the most recommended for accuracy. It gets easier to read in time, yet I also found a KJV with an amplified translation side by side. So on the left side of the page is KJV and it matches up with the amplified on the right. The amplified version is easier to read and you can use them both to compliment one another! I simply got one off Amazon and it's been my favorite thus far. I do hope this helps. More to come and I do hope you are enjoying this holiday season as well! 🙏🏻

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Wow! GOD touches peoples hearts in ways that are hard to explain the depth of emotion and energy behind it. I'm so happy you also choose not to just completely fall! It's easy for me to talk about because I hold no shame or guilt any longer, I've made amends and righted the ones I wronged. Which at the end of the day was all I could do. The rest I leave to GOD to sort out for me. I've always said that the universe has a funny way of working itself out.

Thanks you and I'm thankful for that as well. I've been blessed to have 5 children and I talk to them about GOD in Hope's that they wont have to search 30 years of their life to see GOD all around us and how the energy works all around us.. In the simple things and in the complex things... Even things I dont understand.

I asked for GOD to give me patience long ago and then he provided me SO many situations where I had the opportunity to choose patience. I'm still learning but I trust in myself and GOD more then anything to lead me where I must go and to hear what I must hear for parts of my journey to fully make sense to me. Not a day goes by I dont show gratitude and thanks for the blessings I do have.

I appriciate your input it helps someone like me navigate a bit around the subject... I will look for those on amazon though so I do appriciate it...

Have a great holiday!

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Thank You so much for talking about this!! So many are fooled because evil is so intertwined with everything. If you don’t know the bible yourself you can be fooled. Get a bible study on your own with people you trust. Baby Trump was telling others about the r.a.t. tour. That was when he came down with the cancer!!

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